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Create a New Onion Address

A new onion address is an additional alias address linked to an existing site, so you can use another onion address to access the same website.

Creating a new onion.v3 address for this onion service incurs an additional cost of US$1.00 per month for each onion address.

Option 1

1. The vanity onion.v3 address is optional.

2. The maximum character is four characters. Onion.v3 address should consist of a-z and 2-7 only.

3. If you enter "dark", the generated address, for example, "darkbprlau7lkvcyij4elqkjzzfaa7fkeipeow25xhssv3umr5cys3ad.onion"

Option 2

Please check our knowledge for installing the onion.v3 onion address.

Option 3

1. The public key and secret key can be in base64 format or hex dump format.

2. If it is in base64 format, you can type the following command:

cat hs_ed25519_public_key | base64

For example, to submit a value similar to the one below to our system.


3. If it is in hex dump format, you can type the following command:

xxd -p hs_ed25519_public_key

For example, to submit a value similar to the one below to our system.


4. Please also check our knowledge for installing the onion.v3 onion address.
