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Current cron service web portal access: active
Cron Service

You can access the cron service using the below link:

Cron Credential



Cron Guideline

Cron is a time-based job scheduler. You can schedule jobs and tasks, run automatically at a specified time and frequency.

No extra cost for cron service.

It is recommended that you should follow the below steps to initialize the cron service.

  1. Set the Environemnt Variables as below
  2. Click "Save to crontab" to apply the current change to the system
  3. Click "New" to create cron job. The www root folder path is /var/www/html.
    Below is an example of command
    /usr/local/bin/php /var/www/html/cron.php
  4. If you want to check the output log of the cronjob, check "Enable error logging."
  5. Click "Save"
  6. Click "Save to crontab" to apply the current change to the system
  7. Click "Export" to backup the current cron